Let's Help to End Hunger in India

Hunger and malnutrition remain leading threats to public health across India.

CHF Serves 1800 Meals daily to
underprivileged children

10,00,000 children benifitted
and still counting

Zero Hunger

Zero Hunger

India is home to 46.6 million stunted children, a third of the world’s total as per the Global Nutrition Report 2018. Nearly half of all under-5 child mortality is caused mainly due to malnutrition. Malnutrition is associated with various forms of ill health and higher levels of mortality. Undernutrition accounts for approximately 45% of deaths among children under 5, mainly in low and middle income families.

One of the key programs of the Child Help Foundation is to eliminate hunger from society and help our children thrive. These activities help achieve SDG2 goals as defined by the United Nations. In the recent past, climatic catastrophes and pandemics resulted in a food shortage creating a threat to the survival of many. Child Help Foundation is enabling access to Healthy and Nutritious Food for the needy. During Covid 19 we were able to provide a million meals across the country.

Child Help Foundation's Zero Hunger program ensures that at least 10 lakh children do not go to bed on an empty stomach. We feed freshly prepared warm and nutritious meals daily. In the initial 3 and a half years of this program, 50 percent of these beneficiaries have seen an improvement in their health, and 70 percent of them have resumed going back to school.

Zero Hunger

Bringing Smiles to Children For Decades

1800 Meals Served Everyday
1000000+ Beneficiaries
100% Nutritious Meals
Zero Hunger

Media Support

Child Help Foundation has been actively supported in the media by established personalities acknowledging our work in providing relief to people during the pandemic.

India is home to a third of the world’s stunted children as per the Global Nutrition Report 2018. We hope to achieve Zero Hunger in India by 2030 and provide as many meals as possible to the starving children.